
探险独木舟 Intended for long trips and heavy loads, these massive canoes are often powered by more than two paddlers and are occasionally fitted with a spray skirt. Design characteristics, such as moderate rocker and increased bow depth, make them a very dry ride, even in open water with rougher conditions. Typically 18′-20′ in length, they are capable of hauling more weight than canoes in other categories. Unlike smaller canoes, these paddle best when weighted to compensate for the high amount of displacement and depth. 为了长途旅行和沉重的负荷,这些巨大的独木舟通常由两名以上的桨手提供动力,偶尔还会配备喷水裙。 设计特点,如适中的摇杆和增加的船首深度,使他们非常干燥的驾驶,即使在开阔的水域和更粗糙的条件下。 通常长度为18'-20',与其他类别的独木舟相比,它们能够运送更多的重量。 与较小的独木舟不同,这些桨在加权时能够最好地补偿大量的位移和深度。

旅行独木舟 These canoes generally have increased carrying capacity for the big loads required by two to three paddlers on trail for weeks at a time. Solo or tandem, these canoes typically range from 15′-18′ in length and are designed to be stable and efficient to paddle. A canoe’s specific design features will be your ultimate guide to selecting the appropriate canoe—for the most efficient paddling, the highest capacity, for portaging and paddling lake to lake or for running big rivers. 一般来说,这些独木舟对于两到三名徒步者所需的大载荷一般具有增加的承载能力。 独奏或串联,这些独木舟通常范围从15'-18'长,并设计为稳定和有效的桨。 独木舟的具体设计功能将是您选择合适的独木舟的最终指南 - 最高效的划桨,最高的能力,用于将湖泊运送到湖泊或运行大河。

河流独木舟 Specifically designed to handle fast-moving rivers and streams, these solo and tandem canoes range in length from 15′-17′. Typically, hulls are designed without keels and are symmetrical from end to end, with rounded, shallow-vee, or flat bottoms, and feature flared sides, and generous depth. But the most distinguishing characteristic should be the generous rocker found on each end. In perfect combination, these design features will provide the maximum maneuverability for making quick turns, moving laterally to avoid rocks and ledges, and will soften the effect of crossing sharp eddy lines. 这些独奏和串联独木舟专门设计用于处理快速移动的河流和溪流,长度范围从15'-17'。 通常情况下,船体没有龙骨设计,从头到尾对称,圆形,浅V形或平底,表面呈喇叭形,宽大的深度。 但最显着的特点应该是在每一端找到慷慨的摇杆。 在完美的组合下,这些设计特点将为快速转弯提供最大的可操作性,横向移动避开岩石和壁架,并将软化横过急剧的涡流线的效果。

休闲独木舟 Designed to be steady, maneuverable and easy to control. These canoes are typically designed with proportions shorter in length (13′-16′) and greater in width (over 36″). These canoes are popular for fishing, and although capable of overnight trips, they are best suited for two to three paddlers and for day trips on calm waters. Often referred to as a ‘cabin’ or ‘city lake’ canoes. 设计稳定,可操作,易于控制。 这些独木舟通常设计成比例较短(13'-16'),宽度较大(超过36“)。 这些独木舟在钓鱼方面很受欢迎,虽然能够过夜,但最适合在两到三名桨手和平静的水域进行一日游。 通常被称为“小屋”或“城市湖”独木舟。

白水独木舟 A play or performance canoe with extreme rocker designed for one or two paddlers to use exclusively in whitewater. Retrofitted additions include floatation in the bow and stern to prevent the boat from filling with water and/or optional spray skirts, leg and knee straps combined with a kneeling pedestal and toe blocks for maximum control. 一个游戏或表演独木舟与极端摇杆设计为一个或两个桨手专门用于白水。 改造的添加物包括在船首和船尾浮动,以防止船舶充满水和/或可选的喷水裙,腿和膝盖绑带结合跪式基座和脚趾块,以最大限度地控制。

竞速独木舟 Designed for high performance—fast, straight tracking, rigid hull materials and without excess weight. Narrower and longer, typically 18-20′ in length, asymmetrical in shape from stern to bow with eccentric features and appearance. 设计用于高性能快速,直线跟踪,刚性船体材料,不会超重。 更窄,更长,通常长18-20',形状不对称,从船尾到偏心的特征和外观。


Square Stern / Freighter Style Canoes



艇库® ; 海划® ; Kayacool® ; Ocean Challenger®为我司注册商标。OCas为艇库Ocean Challenger Ability System技术评级的简称。ACA为美国皮划艇协会简称。

Michael 马老师
Phone: +0086 18016458059
Email: Kayacool@qq.com





Pantheon® Kayak


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